Concept Line ConceptRebuilds the foundation of your beauty.View More Whitening Care Line ConceptRebuilding the foundation of transparency.View More List of products Skin Care Skin Care System STEP1 Cleansing CleanserREFINING CLEANSING CREAM or CleanserSMOOTHING CLEANSING OIL Facial WashPURIFYING FOAM CLEANSER STEP2 Softening EmulsionPLUMP + FIRM EMULSION / ER or EmulsionBRIGHTEN + PLUMP EMULSION / ER STEP3 Balancing LotionREPLENISH + FIRM LOTION / ER or LotionBRIGHTEN + REPLENISH LOTION / ER or LotionCLARIFYING TONING LOTION PERSONAL CARE SerumSERUM STEP4 Moisturizing CreamENHANCED REJUVENATING CREAM or CreamBRIGHTENING REJUVENATING CREAM Skincare technique